The first workshop on the EU Business Vulnerability Assessment was held in Milan, Italy on the morning of November 29, 2022. The workshop included participants from 3 LOCALISED partner entities: CMCC, Assolombarda, and T6 and representatives from 7 business members of Assolombarda.
The workshop started by the introduction to the LOCALISED project, its aim, scope, and outcomes. The CMCC team then presented the envisioned procedure for assessing the vulnerability of EU businesses at the NUTS 2 level and presented the draft of a questionnaire designed to solicit information about businesses and their vulnerability along multiple dimensions of energy, workforce, technology, raw materials, output and supply chain, regulations, and finance.
During the Q&A session following the presentations, the participants expressed their opinion about the overall survey and commented on how to improve its reach. In particular, the main comments were concerned about:
- How to customise survey for businesses in different sectors
- How to include background information about sectoral vulnerability from other sources
- How to include more dimensions to vulnerability assessment
The LOCALISED team will follow-up with the business representative for any additional comments and questions to finalise and improve the survey and make it ready for the next phase.
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