Source: ecca2023.eu/news-and-resources.
From the 19th to the 21st of June, the European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Conference is taking place in Dublin, hosted by Marei, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Energy Climate and Marine and coordinated by the University College Cork’s Environmental Research Institute.
The ECCA Conference had its first edition in 2013 in Hamburg, and since then reconvenes every two years to gather the Climate Change Adaptation scholarship, policymakers and decisiontakers working on and in Europe. It is an excellent opportunity to reach decision-makers and practitioners to find and explore adaptation solutions.
LOCALISED partners will seize the occasion and assist the venue. Work on adaptation solutions is a crucial part of the project, as our Decarbonisation Profiler is intended not only to provide mitigation pathways for a net-zero 2050 Europe but to offer feasible adaptation solutions for remaining risks. Thus, reaching experts and increasing our network is an important step.
Two LOCALSED partners will participate in the conference and disseminate the work developed within the project. In the “Stepping Up Climate Action: Support Through Climate Platforms and Services” block, Gerard Martínez Görbig, from the University of Twente, will present the results obtained until now in the development of Task 4.1 and hang a poster on the LOCALISED Mitigation and Adaptation Measures Database (D4.1). Meanwhile, Tobias Gralke, from Climate Media Factory, will hold a discussion session on how citizens and communities can make local climate futures, and how these examples can be wrapped in scalable and transformative narratives from below.
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