The Polish partner of LOCALISED, the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAN) was a strategic partner of the Climate Congress of Poland, which took place on 19-20th March 2024 in Warsaw, Poland.
The Climate Congress of Poland is an annual event that this year hosted 26 discussion panels, 150 speakers and panel members, and numerous exhibition stands from research institutes, industry as well as other organizations. This edition of the event attracted 1280 registered participants, with backgrounds in research, industry, politics and the general public.
The partner IMP had an exhibition stand where its involvement in different projects, including LOCALISED, was presented. In addition, IMP organized its own discussion panel on the decarbonisation of district heating while Weronika Radziszewska was an expert in the discussion panel on the future of energy. A video which included a presentation of LOCALISED was looped on the different screens in the exhibition hall.
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